Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Changing Names
Did you get married? No - I'm already happily married.
Are you moving to Hollywood? No, but I have always wanted to know what Sting's real name was - Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner. Now I get it!
Are you going pro? A name change worked for Ali, not so much for Ron Artest. Why did he change his name to Metta World Peace? I will let him explain. Still don't get it.
We are changing our name because we screwed up and let our GoDaddy domain registration expire!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
JP Morgan and The Whale

Were they lucky or good?
Is Redemption Next?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Selling Reality
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Like My "Business"

After much deliberation, I’m convinced the answer is yes. But not for the reasons you may think.
If you believe you’re going to get a bunch of new clients from Facebook, then it probably isn’t worth your investment of time. High net worth investors aren’t going to fall in love with you because of your Facebook page. Wealth management is a relationship business that still requires direct, human interaction.
But if you want to remain relevant or not be disqualified with two key audiences – GenYers and Baby Boomers – Facebook should be part of your brand and marketing strategy.
My Tahoe Focus Group
An example best expresses why Facebook is so powerful and useful.
Last weekend, I was on a ski trip with my 14-year-old daughter and three of her friends. Facebook was the sixth person in the room at all times.
When a Facebook friend request came to any one of the girls’ iPhones, they would shriek with delight. When a Facebook message came from one of their friends, the same. After sharing the message with each other, the girls would talk among themselves to come up with the “best” response. They were having great fun.
After listening to this for two days, I asked: “Have you ever gotten a date from Facebook?” They all responded in unison: “NOOOOOO!” “Then why do you care?” I asked. They all responded in unison again. “We want to know what everyone is doing and thinking. "
This is the perfect analogy for financial advisors considering a Facebook presence.
Just like Facebook isn’t going to get you dates, it probably won’t bring you new clients immediately. Getting new clients is still an old school process. You will need to personally contact people and engage them over an extended period of time to earn their trust.
However, your clients and prospects will appreciate seeing what you’re thinking or writing, or what events you’re planning via Facebook posts. That’s worth a lot in terms of visibility and connecting with people. Marketing today is as much about what you believe as it is what you do.
Moreover, the right idea or event can go viral on Facebook, which is exactly what you want.
Another example is illustrative.
Bad Viral/Good Viral
One of a parent’s worst nightmares is the raging party that takes place at your unsupervised home after your kid posts an invite on Facebook. Within minutes, 25 to 1000 revelers could show up at your doorstep while you’re away for a “quiet” weekend. Hot ideas populate quickly across Facebook.
Now apply that concept to your wealth management practice. If you have a compelling blog post, white paper, educational event or video, that information can spread virally to your entire network of friends and then their friends.
845 Million People Can’t Be Entirely Wrong
Still not convinced?
What’s the fastest growing demographic on Facebook? Answer: Baby Boomers. They’re getting onto Facebook to check out what their kids and grandkids are doing. This graying age cohort, along with GenYers, account for a good chunk of today’s wealth management marketplace.
Advantage Independents
The Facebook advantage accrues only to independent advisors. Wirehouses and big banks largely prohibit a financial advisor having a social media presence. For independents, Facebook is yet another way to differentiate your practice.
So upon further consideration, I “like” Facebook. We hope you will too and ask you to check out Sanctuary’s Facebook page and “like” us.
That will make us very happyJ.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Best Buy Effect
It’s not easy being Best Buy these days.
Price competition is intense, and pressure is coming from all directions. Online competitors, without costly overhead, are selling the same products cheaper. Tech-savvy consumers are comparison shopping right on the showroom floor, using mobile phones and the RedLaser app to scan for the best price. Instantly, a consumer can get a list of better deals on a flat screen TV or Blu-ray player from online retailers and even nearby stores.
Wealth advisors are facing the same challenges from online “firms” like Wealthfront and from other advisors who are willing to cut their fees to win business.
The Opportunity in Solving Problems
But all is not lost for advisors or retailers if they heed the lesson from one of Best Buy’s more successful innovations: The Geek Squad.
The Geek Squad delivers what most low-priced product sellers don’t: Expertise to make everything work together. Anyone who has ever tried to create a home theater knows the frustration. Integrating sophisticated pieces of consumer electronics has almost become rocket science. Best Buy is keeping clients happy and loyal by providing a service that makes it easy to buy and then enjoy cool products.
Financial advisors have the same opportunity to attract and retain clients if they take the responsibility to simplify the many complex financial products and design a program that works.
In fact, anyone can open a discount brokerage account, do some online research and start buying investment products. However, buying and selling products doesn’t equate to comprehensive wealth management. There’s much more to this discipline than most recognize initially.
Watch Out For Cheap
An advisor who provides real value need not fear the cheap advice that can be obtained online or through cut-rate competitors.
Cheap online advice is nothing more than a computer algorithm. More often than not, human strategy trumps most computer driven decisions (Kasparov Wins). Only an experienced human advisor can provide that strategy and then recommend how to put together the complex investment solutions that meet each client’s needs. When you’re talking about your life savings and financial independence, what would you prefer, a cheap computer automated solution or a unique personalized plan?
Put another way, it might seem like a good idea to buy the bargain-priced flat screen TV and then read the directions to mount and connect the components. You can’t really appreciate the Geek Squad until the whole project has gone terribly awry. It’s one thing to mess up your home theater; it’s another when it’s your financial security.
That’s the good news for advisors. By providing understandable solutions, personalized service and delivering wise counsel – an advisor’s value proposition is as compelling as ever.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Do You Love Me Just For My Money?
Large Wall Street firms have tossed independent advisors yet another great opportunity.
Recently, management at many of the wirehouses informed their financial advisors that they wouldn’t get paid on accounts with a balance of less than $250,000. These clients are being shipped off to a call center because, in so many words, they can’t be profitably serviced by a “full service” financial advisor.
This decision is a frank admission that the cost structure at big firms is still too high. Large firms in the Dodd-Frank era are feeling the squeeze. The result is predictable: Wall Street again put self-preservation ahead of advisors and clients.
Is that any way to treat people, let alone someone who may become a worthy client one day? The opposite is also true: Aren’t these big firms really saying that if you have enough money, we will love you?
Short-Term Thinking
This bloodless view of the world is not particularly nice, nor is it necessarily good business practice.
The fact is not everyone is born a 1 percenter. Clients with smaller accounts often grow into much larger ones. Here in Northern California, engineers and many entrepreneurs are just one IPO away from fabulous wealth.
The problem with packing smaller accounts off to a Siberian call center is that you never know who becomes the next Mark Zuckerberg. If clients are mistreated before they hit the home run, there’s virtually no chance they’ll ever come back.
Opportunity For Independents
The good news is that a large firm’s cast-offs can be good business for independent advisors. Because independents have far less overhead, they have lower costs and can incubate smaller clients profitably. The key is having the right business model.
There’s another opportunity, too, for independents: The freedom to run a business as advisors see fit.
Most accomplished advisors don’t want corporate bureaucrats dictating how they serve clients or operate their business. A large firm’s management decisions are particularly irritating because they not only deprive advisors of income, but also create the embarrassment of having to tell clients that the firm believes they’re no longer worth the time.
Wealth management can’t be all about the money. Just like in any relationship, if someone happens to have money, that’s fine. But that’s not the reason you love someone.
As an independent advisor, you don’t have to be all about the money. One of the greatest advantages of being independent is the freedom to do the right thing by your business and your conscience. That always feels good.